Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to the Sales Learning Track
    • Welcome to the Sales Learning Track
    • How does the Sales Learning Track work?
    • Download the Sales Learning Track worksheet
  • 2
    Master the UNsell technique
    • What you'll do this month
    • What's the UNsell technique?
    • The 'no gun' confidence
    • The 'no tears' reframe
    • The 'flip the focus' approach
    • The 'problem solving' awareness
    • The 'data obsessed' detachment
    • The 'match their mindset' strategy
    • The 'just do it' attitude
  • 3
    How to make what you sell irresistible
    • What you'll do this month
    • How to be irresistible
    • How to build profitable relationships
    • Follow the 7-11-4 sales formula
    • How to innovate and sell more
    • How to find a sales gap
    • How to be cheaper (without earning less)
  • 4
    How to make people WANT to buy from you
    • What you'll do this month
    • How to make people want you
    • People buy from WANT not NEED
    • How to surprise and delight
    • How to be exclusive
    • How to set clear business terms and stick to them
    • How to be remarkable
  • 5
    How to create demand
    • What you'll do this month
    • How to create demand for you
    • How to build excitement - and sales
    • Create more demand than supply
    • Create exclusive special editions
    • Use pricing to create time-sensitive demand
  • 6
    Write powerful sales copy
    • What you'll do this month
    • Why your sales copy is so important
    • Watch the Sales Copy Masterclass
    • Download the Sales Copy Masterclass slides
    • How to use the power of questions to sell online
  • 7
    Overcoming sales objections
    • What you'll do this month
    • Why you need to overcome objections
    • I don’t have the money
    • I don’t have the time
    • I don’t need it
    • I don’t need it NOW
    • I don’t know you
    • How to turn your objections into a sales plan
  • 8
    Plug your sales gaps
    • What you'll do this month
    • How to build a sales plan
    • Download your worksheet
    • Find your quick wins
    • Plant your acorns
    • Turn your ideas into a plan